I hear fools on the radio and TV spout their venom and pass off their hypocrisy and stupidity as genius as it touches to the future of this great nation, The United States of America. All the while they create a picture of their "America", what it means to be "American", and the infidels that thwart their purposes and way of life, whether they be domestic or foreign. Hannity, you and O'Reilly, and all those like you, are a danger to the United States. Your provocative banter and frivolous conversations are geared to incite mindless passions and are more for your ratings than spreading peace, understanding, sound truths and principles for the good of this nation.
My friends beware of these characters and those like them. They incite people to contention for their own purposes. They seek to retain controllable minions in positions of power, and in positions of followers, so to advance their shared gainful aims, at the expense of the freedoms and power of the majority of the citizenry and the world. They would build their advantages by denying the same opportunities for financial security, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness from those that they trick into supporting them.
Webster's Dictionary defines "Nationalism" as:
1: loyalty and devotion to a nation; especially : a sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups
2: a nationalist movement or government
This concept has been a major tool throughout history in persuading the citizens of countries to do things that they otherwise would never do. The perfect example is that of the people of Germany under the leadership of Hitler and his Nazi party. Nationalistic propaganda spurred, convinced, and motivated, the otherwise good and industrious people of Germany to follow a madman's vision. A madman who cunningly painted his intentions as something that would be to Germany's benefit and wrapped it in the shroud of nationalism.
Today we have people that are just as dangerous amassing followers, popularity, resources, and power within this very nation! They too are using the guise of nationalism to gain and retain supportive followers.
To support a nation because it is the nation in which one was born, is to be a puppet. It reflects a weak mind, resistance to think for oneself, and slothfulness in seeking out common sense virtues and truths. This is especially true if one is trying to fit the definition or mold of what others re-define (for their own purposes) as patriots, nationals, or in our case, Americans. I do not hold up The United States of America as the ultimate nation, though I esteem it as a great nation, why? Simply put, because that which makes an individual or a nation great is its adherence to truth, virtue, and morality. Contrary to popular belief, especially most republicans I have heard, might doesn't make right, and shows of force are not more powerful than sincere shows of virtue.
"To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people is a chimerical idea." - James Madison
Of consequence, a virtuous nation would be the world's greatest servant not it's greatest police force. It would understand the all encompassing principle of agency. Such a nation of necessity would protect itself but not by forcing others to live the way that they want them to live and forcefully do what they want. Such a nation would understand that the benefits and advantages of obeying truth can only result from a free and willing mind. That mind, informed, and willingly accepting of the sacrifices and efforts needed to obey and maintain truths obligations and duties, virtues, and moral standards of living, willingly gives themselves over, along with all their energies, to the observance and enactment of every correct and necessary detail to the obtaining and maintaining of correct behavior's abundant way of life. This process is owned by the individual, and consequently becomes a self imposed life choice and character aim.
This is why a forced hand can not easily create, and ultimately can not maintain such a standard of living. They neither own the endeavor, wholeheartedly espouse the endeavor, see the truthfulness of the endeavor, and honestly never chose to take upon themselves all its attendant and requisite sacrifices and efforts. Ultimately, not understanding or believing the truthfulness of the cause, or regarding the price of the process too high and frivolous, they abandon the struggle and conform to more familiar ways. Forceful compliance is but another version of slavery, and oppressed individuals have a threshold of endurance, after which, they always retaliate and revolt against their oppressors.
This is why the struggle in Iraq is a gross error. It displays the lost virtue and ulterior agendas of the United States' leadership. It also demonstrates the majority of the citizenry's disconnect in enacting their power to oust dishonest men who would hurt the union and diminish the nation's virtues.
"Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters." - Benjamin Franklin
Three warring groups of people, on their own unable to live together in peace and harmony, were only able to live together, as a nation, by the applied force of a dictator, a ruthless, barbarous master. Had the majority of the people of Iraq joined together in unity, on their own, for equality and freedom, forming a rudimentary government organization, militia, and the nucleus for a new nation, then it would have been prudent and proper for the United States to have assisted them once asked. Is it any surprise, that in trying to dole freedom as if it were some material commodity, we have had such a hard time winning hearts and minds in Iraq for their own unity? Is it any wonder that having gone contrary to the proper and necessary process, it has been increasingly difficult to find the stability needed for a United States type Iraq to stand up on its own and face the responsibilities of maintaining freedom. A virtuous nation would recognize the difference between assistance and compulsion.
I remember when the President of the United States pitched his lies on invading Iraq. Stories of weapons of mass destruction and supposedly verified reports of imminent threats pointing towards the like of 9-11. I remember when he launched his attack without the express consent or needed command from Congress.
The Constitution of the United States reads the following under Article 1 section 8, "The Congress shall have Power.... To declare War,...." The President had no authority to do what he did. There has been a long list of his administration overstepping their authority and aggrandizing the measure of their office. When will we recognize that these usurpation's of authority are undermining our future freedoms. When will we recognize that they are laying the foundations for our slavery, not our protection.
"Towards the preservation of your government ... it is requisite ... that you resist with care the spirit of innovation upon its principles, however specious the pretexts. One method of assault may be to effect, in the forms of the Constitution, alterations which will impair the energy of the system, and thus to undermine what cannot be directly overthrown." - George Washington
When I celebrate the United States of America, and I do celebrate the good in it, I celebrate how well we as a nation are moral, how well we keep to truth, and how virtuous we are. I do not celebrate our military, economic, or technological stockpiles or superiority. To celebrate the fruits at the expense of the roots is to hurry the day of famine. Remembering the virtues that brought about the grains and the planes is more productive than just remembering what we have. I realize criticism is never pleasant, and I am aware I may sound pessimistic, unpatriotic, and critical of our great nation at first glance, but that is furthest from the truth. I believe in the power of doing that which is good and right irrespective of its popularity, and that's why the United States of America is a special nation for me. It's birth came from the same character. It troubles me to focus so much on the negative at the opportunity cost of highlighting the great good that belongs to the United States family. However, there have been a long enough train of events clearly establishing patterns of public moral degradation at the hands of private interest groups, and their patterns and systems are not diminishing, but intensifying, and captivating greater numbers to the point of becoming the majority. Only a return to virtue and morality, will save our nation from the painful foundational erosion which is setting us up to walk the path of every major super power civilization in times past. We must get back to our roots as individuals and as a nation. This country was founded upon the virtues and morality of a God following, God fearing, people. When we lose the fear for living moral lives we place ourselves squarely in the path of the consequences. Arrogance, pride, lies, greed, sensuality and avarice have their consequences. They all espouse disunity, increase selfishness, self-centeredness, egotism, narcissism, and blast loyalty to the common good. The foundation upon which this the United States stands is in the very name - United, and to what, to all the truths that promote and bring about life, liberty, and happiness, for all. As soon as the happiness, life, or liberty of a few becomes more important and encroaches and denies the same for the rest, be assured, contentions, manipulations, injustices, cruelties, and suffering will follow like darkness at the setting of the sun. We must return to the principles of happiness. We must stop feigning allegiance through dead works and truly turn our hearts to the great lessons on morality that have come to us from the Son of God.
"Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens... Let it simply be asked, where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice? And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education... reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle." - George Washington
There is a difference between CLAIMING to be virtuous, truthful, moral, and actually BEING virtuous, truthful, and moral. One merely provides a song and dance, lip service, all for the crowd, while the other is rooted deep in personal character. The word hypocrisy comes to mind. Are the actions of our nation hypocritical. Can stealing and lying really be redefined as good once the mightiest nation on Earth says it is, and that, for its own self interest. Does that go along with doing unto others as you would have them do unto you? Or is our national philosophy now, do to others before they can do to you? Are we denying unto other nations and peoples what we ourselves demand for ourselves? Are we more interested in keeping to the extravagances we know and amassing more, more than respecting the agency and disposition of those that actually own what we supposedly need? Are all men really created equal, or is it just all men that are like us, or maybe all men who carry a big enough stick so that we have to respect them?
As a consequence, when I go to celebrate our great nation, and especially when I look to remember the sacrifices and efforts of just men in times past who have provided for the liberties and advantages I enjoy, of necessity I must assess the present. This means that on some 4th of Julys instead of celebration, I mourn. I mourn for lost virtue, diminished adherence to truth, and the open attacks to morality as it is denounced and spit and trampled upon. I mourn for the shackles I see being fitted around me due to unrighteous dominion from public servants leashed by private agendas.
I do not everyday feel the same about our great nation. When the systems of government change in such fashion as to restrict past commonplace freedoms and distort agreed upon organizational powers and duties, this is when I do not support the new powers even though they call themselves after the old defenders of freedom.
What this means is that I do not support or exalt the manifest agendas and purposes of every war. This means that of consequence, at times, I will be at odds and will not lend my support to the direction and intents of leaders that follow standards which will jeopardize the future unity and prosperity of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for the millions under the name - The United States of America. This means that while I recognize, learn from, and appreciate the sacrifices of past citizens, to make this nation great, I do not erroneously associate the support of the past with decisions that guide the nation in the present. Anyone that would call me unpatriotic for viewing our nation in this manner is a fool and either does not understand the great truths this nation originally was founded upon, or is actively seeking to thwart them. I would say to them that they are the ones that are unpatriotic. They are the ones that have sold their patriotic birthright, neglected their duty, and handed over their power in exchange for mind numbing traditions, festivities which obscure the problems, and enough blinding glitz, glamour, and sensationalism to eclipse the sun. Our allegiance is not to a land, or a flag, or a history, those things don't make us great, they are merely the vehicles, the tabernacles, the vessels, of that which we should pledge our complete loyalty unto, and that is truth, virtue, and morality.
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other" - John Adams
"In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion, it is essential that public opinion should be enlightened." - George Washington
The decline we are witnessing in our nation is a direct result of the cumulative loss of virtue, morality, enlightenment, and observance of common place principles and truths, both by citizens and elected officials. The economic hardships we are enduring are direct results of prominent individuals as well as hordes of working people being more concerned in their greed, self-interest, self-centeredness, and pride than the mathematical human relation realities of the day, the economy of life. The housing troubles we are witnessing are a perfect example. The more people try to take from society what they refuse, or can not realistically give back to society, the more we witness our economic decline. Whether it be the unethical exaggerations of a loan officer spinning a pitch that would secure a loan, not in the best interest of home buyers, but which will result in a nice commission for themselves, or whether it be the home buyer not wanting to understand the specifics of the agreement entered into and racing through the process merely to acquire what they want, and, or getting into a home and loan much bigger than what they can afford or even need, morality lost in the daily transactions in the marketplace add up, and eventually when enough of their natural consequences have amassed they have an all encompassing effect. The more lies abound, the more the consequences to those lies result.
In truth, in our day honesty is being lost, lies are shielded with words like creative ideas, luxurious living is the entitlement, and self-centeredness, arrogance, and egotism the fad, all the while keeping us blind to the mounting problems, until tragedy and disaster hit, and we are powerless to do much if anything at all. Our entitlements have to come from somewhere and often they unjustly originate from the disenfranchised, less intelligent, less powerful, or poor, whether they be from our own lands or that of others. Today is the great day of ME, and ever more difficult to find is the concept of WE, not just for the sake of WE, but the WE that also includes commitment and allegiance to principles of honor, virtue, honesty, truth, and morality.
When will we understand that any disparagement, immoral act, unvirtuous and slandering act, breaks our allegiance to our fellow countrymen, breaks up our union, and thereby causes divisions which ultimately weaken our country and thereby diminish its progress. When will we realize that the united in "The United States of America" means unity to virtue, honesty, morality, truthfulness, and in those ways to each other. When our country, as a whole, again remembers these things and throws away the idolatry of the pagan gods of nationalistic rhetoric we will again shine bright as a city set on a hill.