Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Libraries within - links to our Heritage, links to our Future

How can a physical object be physically in more than one place at a time?

I can only think of one way, through the miracle of time travel! A material body having mass and composed of matter can exist in only one place at one time, but if at a future time that corporeal being can by some means return to a moment in time previous to that entities momentary, and relative futurity to the past state of time, then the same being can, in all reality, be in two different places, relative to the same point in time in the past. The problem then becomes the immediate existence of the personage from the future, for any disturbance to the past immediately circumstances a distinct and different future set of parameters which would manifest themselves immediately and without recollection upon the time traveler, or anyone else, such that the very purposes and details that eventuated the sojourn would come under direct threat of ever existing in the mind, or for the purposes of the time traveler.

This line of thinking leads me to believe that God, an entity I believe to be perfect, composed of flesh and bone but of a composition free from death or disease, eternal and glorious, while I believe can travel through time, does not in any way tamper or allow any to tamper with the composition of events in time.

My musings lead me to believe that God who is in constant need by his creations and therefore has need to be in more than one place at the same time, may not actually be physically involved in the moment to moment circumstances of every individual at the very moment that people believe to perceive Him to be relative to how they understand people to come and go into and out of their presence and lives.

What distinguishes the constructs of the mind from the external stimuli that give rise to the interpretations that we assign as reality to the constructs of the mind? What if God, who can only be in one place at one time, knowing all things beforehand, has programmed us, so to speak, with many of the spiritual revelations, impressions, and guidance we have come to know as His and consequently believe to have been proffered in the moment received. In this way spiritual promptings are not on an immediately, at that point in time, God ordered, basis, but on a previously understood would be needed, and therefore programmed eons in advance, God made available, based upon personal access, basis.

How else can two different people living in two different locations say their prayers at night and feel and consequently report, most uniquely the personal presence of a tender loving personal God that uniquely knows them and their concerns? Could it be that knowing beforehand the exploits, travels, and travails of all His children, having the power of fore-sight, God in His infinite wisdom, knowing all things before they happen, and having the spiritually genetic capacity, has programmed us with the potential to access answers coded within us based upon obedience to certain requirements? Can it be that in that way He can be in more than one place at one time and be capable to respond to, and quite personally for that matter too, the individual needs and circumstances of each and everyone of His children, having tended and provided for their needs far before they ever arrived at those moments where they recognize His hand, his presence? Can that be one way he tends to us and is seemingly in more than one place at the same time? Can it be that the way God sees our time-line is radically different than what man sees time as. What if God's ability allows him to see the whole of humanity's actions and lives as a tapestry of individual threads, each an individual's life experiences, and of which he has witnessed every facet, and personally loved and worked upon perfectly, for their good? This view is unlike our viewpoint in the muddled middle, thick of it, earth like humanizing perspective of interacting with a God that is in His heaven petitioned to come out of for our causes climaxing distinct and poignantly felt reasons. What if God has written Himself into the very coding of our physical makeup and is quite literally therefore "in all, and thru all" on account of his ability to to see all and know the hearts of all mankind.

Think on this. Memory is more than the brain. Memory has been shown to extend across generations. What one person does with their body can have direct influence on the dispositions and impulses inherent to offspring. The point being memory is passed from individual to individual down a genetic line over generations. More so than that, every individual ever born seems to carry an inherent predisposition to an individual rudimentary personality even as newborns, leading me to believe that all born into this world, before they took upon themselves the difficulty to remember that the flesh brought with it, lived as unique individuals intelligent to differing degrees and modes of comportment- thereby making memories that give rise to rudimentary dispositions of personality in the flesh.

Neuroscience and Neurobiology are showing, more and more, that memory is not strictly confined to the brain. The medical field is showing that the human body has within it the capacity to remember things by means of varying systems, be they reflexive nerves, immunological, cerebral, and genetic. What if memory goes deeper? What if quite literally "The Kingdom of God is within us"? For those that believe that we are the offspring of Deity, children of a Heavenly Father, what if we carry within us not only the spiritual genetic potential to become as He is, but also ingrained in the spiritual/physical coding that constitute our spirit and body together termed as a soul, we are endowed with many if not all of the spiritual helps and directives we need throughout this sojourn of our mortal probationary periods - known as earth life - to meet and succeed in our purposes in this life. If based upon access codes, codes like prayer, meditation, fasting, baptism, priesthood ordinances, etc, etc, what if those things along with a purity of mind and body allow us to further access deeper volumes of parental helps already within us to assist us in making it through this fallen world and for and to our benefit? What if the power of the Holy Ghost, revelation, and inspiration is more like an awakening of a program embedded within our very physical makeup from our creator and Father - God. What if spirituality is not so much an externally driven process but an individual path walked or run, at the speed of the traveler, dependent on how much they refine their ability to recognize or remember memories of dispositions, behaviors, and character originating from a perfect being - our original Father, and access specific along the way helps. Would that not explain why two people can sit in the midst of a talk filled with truth and one feel the truth of it deeply within them enough to make it apart of them, while another doesn't think twice about what was said. Would that not explain what the scriptures attest, that God does not forsake us, never leaves us, but that it is we who leave his presence - meaning we can not feel or access his help or direction because of transgression and sin? Would that not explain the scripture's call to harden not our hearts any longer and repent and "immediately shall the great plan of redemption be brought about unto you". (Alma 34:31) Is it any wonder that the conduits of revelation and inspiration are the heart and the mind? We should take time to explore the libraries we may carry within. We should access the personal companionship of Deity by accessing those helps by doing those things He has made plain to our understandings. We should then trust more in the promptings and convictions that come to us in the Lord's ways, for if we don't and pass aside those divine memories we have little reason to recognize them or access them again or improve upon the capacity to do so in the future, and in such occurrences are by choice left to make decisions on our short sighted life experiences and improperly held values ladened with determined consequences, whether short or long in coming.

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