Sunday, June 8, 2008


We are a people of destiny! Not meant in the sense of our actions being predetermined, for within the domain of our lot, our choices are uniquely ours, to do with as we please. We are a people of destiny, meaning we are a people of promise, a people of consequence, each traveling self selected roads that each have a real and undeviating destination. The roads we travel determine the destinations we reach. The roads are unbiased; whether the destination is what we desire or not, the destination will not change. Only we can change! We can change roads, though it may mean backtracking and starting over at times. Ultimately, we bear the responsibility and accountability of those paths we choose to endure. So let us choose carefully, for we are plotting our very future existences. The freedom and power to chart our own course, life, and future destiny hangs upon intelligence. The truth (reality) of things becomes tantamount. Knowing, believing, and acting upon the reality of things as they were, as they are, and as they will be, establishes security and the assured fulfillment of expectation; believing and acting upon lies, the greatest threat to happiness. Herein is this mortal life's quest - seek, discover, and act upon truth, believe nothing else, and then of a surety, and with complete confidence, you will know your final destiny - peace, power, and joy!

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