Saturday, February 20, 2010

Do Your Best (DYB)

Whatever life calls upon you to be, to do, know within yourself you did your very best with all you have, and then stand secure in YOUR peace, of mind, and heart, for all the things left undone. I believe in doing my best and no one better than I knows what that is. Let the fools jeer, let them taunt, let them criticize what they know nothing about. Let the pundits speculate, let the rude tear down, do what you will, my shield is in my knowledge. I know what I'm made of. I know who and what I am. My choices define my life, and I know when I give and how much I give. So lay waste and billow forth, fires of hell and earth, my protection remains, you can not touch me, and I am unharmed.

You fools who mock or look down at accomplishments lesser when yours are greater, you fools who compare, criticize and complain, you fools who put down and stoke the fires of pride, greed, and inequality for greater measures of gain, your foolish action will in the end forge the very chains to your own misery for the tasks aren't important. What's important are the characters we develop as we carry out the tasks. My hero's are the cripple, the disadvantaged, the aged, the burdened, the handicapped, the disfigured, those that get up everyday and give it there all. They will one day shine brighter than all those with so much more the advantage in this world. We brandish our own wings to fly or our own chains to hold us down in the character we hammer out every day, every choice, every moment.

So rage on storms of life, oppressions of the world, and storms past, present, and future. You can not take me! You can not take me! You can not take me! My destiny is my own. My power I will not give you to turn and destroy upon me. I will fight. I will fight. I will fight, until my last capacity is stripped from me, but I will give my all to the very end, I will give my best, and that no one can ever take away from me. For in the end it will not only define me, but it will completely be me!

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