Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Response to Global Warming Incredulity

From what I studied in chemistry, man made climate change is realistic enough for me, and it's a subject that should be taken seriously. Its easy to listen to the pundits, they count on people not being well informed, and they have something to gain.

The reality is that exploitive consumers rarely take into consideration means by which to make waste products a functioning part of the necessary consumer cycle. That's what I loved about the native Americans. They would use everything, create hardly any waste, and were always mindful of how they impacted their surroundings. They did not rape and pillage the land like the Europeans did once they came to the Americas.

I don't mean to say that we need to live like the Indians, but we should be responsible as we create products to also build in systems of disassembling those products into components that can then be used in viable and healthy alternative means. We should also be aware and responsible in creating machinery or any useful commodity that is dependent on limited resources. It should be taken into account that the driving means of those commodities are limited and therefore it should only be used as means to an end not the end in and of itself. There should be a plan for using those inefficient means to help us attain products that will not use up limited resources.

I propose that we change the laws for patenting any new technology. I propose that all technologies past, present, and future not be allowed the exclusive rights that come by way of a patent or copyright, until within its design they also include a means to safely recycle, or dispose of such materials, thus describing the life cycle of the materials, chemicals, or substances necessary for the product from creation to re-usability.

Make no mistake the reason our economy is getting slammed as well as the pollution that is amassing in this world stems from the same human dilemma. When larger and larger numbers of people become increasingly greedy and selfish, chaos and the law of the jungle results. When people work together for the betterment of all, not first treasuring comforts, luxuries, money, and power for themselves; then we will find the solutions to the great dilemmas of the economy and the environment, and then our children will not bemoan their circumstances.

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