Saturday, February 20, 2010

Same Sex Marriage

1 Pet. 3: 15

But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

Alma 32:21

And now as I said concerning faith—faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true.

Recently someone I knew was publicly promoting an issue which I believe very dangerous to the well being of civilization and society as a whole. These comments stemmed from that impetus and I would share them with all, for i believe the subject matter is paramount to all. Unfortunately the deeper implications associated with such a subject tread on important religious matters which not everyone acknowledges, believes, or holds as valuable. For this reason, I chose to pose my argument in a medium anyone can relate to: functionalism and utilitarianism. This argument is not complete. The dynamics and discussion would overflow if carried into the details of my views from a psychological and neurological perspective when comparing a homosexual household to a heterosexual household in child rearing. And while I have much more to express on the subject, for now I will share the following;

Marriage has been, and should always be between a man and a woman. Anything else is a distortion of; the functional physiological complements inherent to gender difference between spouses, civilizational moorings of society, and the intrinsic differences and difficulties necessary in the perfection and growth of men and women.

Historically, civilizations have recognized marriage between a man and a women because it is profitable to society. Without supporting it, civilizations would shrivel up and die. Today, modern technology may allow for in-vitro fertilization and people may pass off their children to be adopted by others, but make no mistake, over time, maybe decades, maybe centuries the final product of letting loose the glue that defines and binds families will be an ever expansive general disregard for any traditional definitions and established civilizational practices within society.

In time the organizations that today would be used as an excuse for making same sex marriages and families viable from a functional propagation of the human species perspective, would unravel. And make no mistake that when that happens, and if a great minority, or worse, the majority of people alive practice such a lifestyle, it will only take one generation to cause the potential demise of societies. If not utterly ruined, societies would for sure sustain considerable decades or centuries of civilization growth and achievement loss. No matter what arguments amount, same sex marriages will never, on their own merit and capacity, be able to produce what heterosexual marriages produce, or better said - reproduce - and that is the human race. It is in society’s best interest, therefore, to safeguard and support the institutions that propagate its own survival, anything else would be a kin to allowing a potentially lethal disease into your body that in time will be the death of you. Ponder it.

Also when you have time read up on the Roman empire and notice how their great empire collapsed after rotting from within due to issues of redefining lawful marriage standards and allowing run rampant and unbridled the seeking and attainment of increasingly inordinate forms of physical sexual gratification.

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