Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Carnal Construct - Our Bodies Exposed

The wonders of our body,
awe inspiring organizations,
whatever the study.
The intricacies of the neurobiology.
Can anyone really believe our existence is but happenstance folly?
No, to understand the systems of our physical glory
is to realize that there's more than meets the eye to our story.

All systems have one purpose in their conception.
To run their gamut and fulfill the measure of their perfection.
Our bodies are no different, they are hardwired to live.
To persist, to prevail, to endure, to remain.
The body's wisdom and our own is not always the same.

Systems of order do what they're programmed to do.
They care not for exceptions, for others, for me or for you.
They do what they're told, policy then procedure, stimuli then reaction.
Chemicals and elements determine exaction.

The wisdom of the body
a masterful conglomerate of systems of self preservation and perfect self interest
compete against the spirit of man, a more edifying disposition.

But the wonder of mankind is agency.
Amidst complex organizations of self preservation and interest
we have the power to direct and choose
and act out purposes beyond bodily manifest orchestrations.
Subdued and bridled, the carnal flesh controlled
greater works for others and self can then unfold.

It's said that all men are born in sin.
That they inherit the original one, a product of being Adam and Eve's kin.
From what I've learned
I can see how that's true.
It's woven into the very directions of life
within me and within you.

Master the carnal man.
Yield to a higher order.
Overcome the impulses of the natural charter.
Become perfected, subdue the flesh.
Choice and then effort - greater joys to establish,
Ahh, now that is this life's real great test!

1 comment:

Chelise said...

I love the thought :). I like how you combined both the physical and spiritual into an interesting system of systems each programmed for something that, with agency, doesn't have to be counterintuitive :)