Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Science of Expectations.

What drives mankind to achievement? Is it not their hopes? Is it not the desires they seek to attain. The faith that motivates to action. The glorious promise of that thing anticipated. Herein is born expectation. A result we expect. A result we anticipate. A result we look forward to enjoying. Unfortunately, we are beings devoid of complete truth, though much is known. Many times what we expect has been built upon assumptions, sometimes true, sometimes false. Many times our expectations are, like a house without a foundation, built upon what we want void of what is real, proper, established, or even good. The truth on expectations is that it is a concept that holds incredible power. It mobilizes great strength to action, but like a two edged sword, it has tremendous power to wound when wielded improperly. Used incorrectly enough times and unawares, and hopelessness, despondency and depression infect the self inflicted wounds. Some even get rid of the tool, esteeming it too dangerous and unwieldy to master. Truly, knowledge is power, literally - ability to do. We must be vigilant and seek out the right questions to ask, the right details to learn, the right methods to employ, and allow our desires to cast away the obsolete. In this way our expectations will be safe, and our joys continuous.

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