Sunday, September 7, 2008

Unquenchable Flames

My Father is Truth.
My Mother is Consequence.
My Sojourning Home, Earth.
My Enemy, Enslavement.
My Brother, Liberty.
My Sister, Commitment.
I am Choice.

People, what will we be? Who will we be? Are we a people wrought with beautiful words and empty husks of life? Are we a people of champions? Do you not know that not all champions are the same! What cause do you champion? Do we live the greater, nobler causes, service of heart and mind, or do we merely pay lip service, expressing what we know but that which we refuse to become? Are we a people of master devils, entangling others with sophistry and guile, or are we people of principle and sincerity?

Who is your master? Is your master Vanity? Is your master Comfort? Is your master Wealth? Is it Power? Is it Praise? What do you worship? What god do you reverence? To what god do you subject yourself? Where is your allegiance? Show me where a man or woman suffers and sacrifices, and I will show you where their treasure lies. Show me where men and women persevere and focus their efforts and minds, and I will show you their god. We journey on paths eternal. There is nothing new to time and human experience. The masters of life are principles of truth, their enforcer, consequence. We bow to no man only to causes.

My will is my own. What I subject my will to adopt becomes who I am, it makes me, me. No one wills for me. No man or God has that power. I can give my will to no one. How I choose, why I choose, what I choose; my will is what is uniquely mine. It defines me. The freedom is in choosing, but make no mistake choosing is merely the alignment of individual will to a cause subject to the governing principles of life and consequence. I become what I will. If I lie, I become a liar. If I steal, I become a thief. If I cheat, I become a cheater. If I put on a face of civility and cordialness though with a heart aloof of feeling and sincerity, I am a hypocrite. If I tell the truth, I am Honest. If I stand for the truth, I am Integral. If I suffer for what is good and right I am Brave. If I do what must be done and forget myself, I am Hero.

Life's all important first lesson; what we will, we become, in thought, in speech, in emotions, in action, in person!

What defines us as people is not what we acquire or what we can do, those are merely our fruits, it is what we are, the tree!

Life by this view becomes a defining battle. A great struggle to cling to virtue, morality, and truth. The time has come, it is now where, by our lives, and choices, we demonstrate whether we will choose the path that is easy or the path that is right and true. Knowing the path and walking the path are two distinct situations. Make no mistake it is a struggle. Not outwardly, but inwardly. To resolve to be whatever we choose requires commitment. It requires persistence. It requires sacrifice and loyalty. Vision is paramount. Reason and purpose to motivate. It requires constant proof of mind, evidences, to sustain faith. It means resistance to counter-attacks. It means rejection of alternatives. All that effort to assure, sustain, and endure. It means that in support of a cause we become the product of that cause.

We are all on the path to becoming one with something. Where does your path lead?

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